Have you Heard of the Clubhouse App?

The trendy new social media app has been all the buzz among marketing industry pros, but it might be hard to wrap your head around exactly what it is — or why you might want to be on it.

If you’re feeling left out of the club, you’re definitely not alone. Here’s what to know about this newly popular app, including how to get an invite.

What is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse, which launched in April, is an audio-only social media app where users can listen in on discussions among various people from a variety of different industries. Part podcast, part exclusive club, it’s your chance to be a fly on the wall to a ton of interesting convos — if you can get an invite, of course.

Benefits for Marketers

For industry experts, the real benefit of joining Clubhouse is in becoming a talker, not a listener. It could be a great place to establish thought leadership and build brand awareness, as well as to connect with other names in your industry.

What are the Downfalls?

A bunch of open discussions on all sorts of topics… what could go wrong? Well, in Clubhouse’s case, hate speech and privacy concerns seem to be at the top of the list. Content isn’t moderated, so there’s always a chance for things to go awry.

How to Get an Invite

If you want in, you’ll need an invite first. Every Clubhouse user gets two invites, so your best bet is to find someone who’s already signed up and see if they have any invites remaining. Try sourcing an invite through your network or checking in with friends.

Have more questions? Get in touch and let’s chat.


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