Podcasting is an increasingly popular marketing medium, but it comes with a lot of unique challenges — especially as far as listener growth is concerned.

It’s getting harder and harder to cut through the noise, and you can’t run a successful podcast if no one is listening. That’s why it’s so important to have a strategy in place for building (and sustaining) an audience.

Here are some tips that can help.

Prioritize SEO
SEO isn’t just for blog posts. Google includes podcasts in search results, so you should definitely optimize episode titles and descriptions to make it as easy as possible for listeners to find you.

Repurpose Show Content
Repurpose your episodes into entirely different types of content, including blog posts, graphics, videos or ebooks. Use that content for SEO purposes, social media, email and to drive more interest in your podcast itself.

Engage on Social
Social platforms are an excellent place to find new listeners, but you’ll want to go in with a plan. Instead of just sharing a podcast link with your existing followers, get involved in online communities dedicated to the topic you’re talking about and look for ways to join the dialogue without getting too promotional.

Encourage Sharing
Sometimes the best way to get something is just to ask. If you want more listeners, encourage your existing listeners to share the podcast with someone else who might enjoy it. Word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly effective, and all it requires of you is that you continue putting out great content.

Have questions about your marketing strategy? Let’s talk.