January and February might seem slow compared to the nonstop frenzy of the holiday season, but that doesn’t mean you should curtail your marketing efforts.

Instead, it’s the perfect time to set new goals, take stock of what’s been working, and indulge in a little more creativity.

Here are four tips for post-holiday marketing strategies and ideas:

1. Think Ahead

Whether you already have a marketing plan for the new year or you’re just getting started, now is a great time to consider your long-term objectives for 2023. Keep in mind things you’d like to do differently (and the same) as last year, then let those be your guide as you come up with strategies and ideas for the months ahead.

2. Pick Out Past Winners

If you’re stuck on what to do, some old favorites could lead the way. Dive into your data to see what’s been working with your audience, then use the same format with a timely topic. For example, if you had a ton of success with user-generated content during the holidays, keep it going with a new theme. This could be a great time to exercise a little more creativity, too.

3. Give Your SEO Some TLC

SEO often falls by the wayside during the holidays in favor of promotions and social media engagement. You can ramp it back up in the new year — put some effort into getting new content out there and update any old content that isn’t performing as well as you’d like it to.

4. Remarket and Retarget

Holiday marketing usually leads to a lot of interest in a company’s products or services, but it doesn’t all turn into sales. Now that things have calmed down, look into remarketing and retargeting to the customers that didn’t pull the trigger and see if you can keep the relationship going.

Need more guidance? Get in touch.