How important is imagery in marketing campaigns?

Images help your brand make a good impression and a lasting impact on your audience. And when used correctly, they increase the potential for more engagement and more sales.

Here’s why images matter and how to choose the best visual content for your marketing campaigns.

Why Imagery Matters in Marketing
The brain has an uncanny ability to understand the meaning of visual cues and can do so in seconds — which is a lot faster than it can understand the meaning of text. This makes images more effective and more persuasive than text alone, and a lot more memorable too.

From a marketing standpoint, improved comprehension means better campaign results. Images can also strengthen your branding, and may even encourage impulse buying.

Tips for Choosing Visual Content
Not all images are created equal, so follow these tips to choose images that will have the biggest impact.

  • Know your visual content. There are various types of visual content, including photographs, GIFs, videos, illustrations, and data visualizations. Each has unique advantages for engagement, but they’re not interchangeable. Use campaign analytics and A/B testing to figure out what works best and when so you’re not just shooting in the dark.

  • Consider the context. Just as the type of image matters, so does the placement. You’ll have different needs based on where you’re sourcing visuals for (websites vs. social media vs. print), so don’t rely too heavily on a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Build-in your brand. Viewers should be able to quickly connect the dots between an image and your brand. The easiest way to do this is by including a logo, as well as by bringing in other markers of brand identity, such as branded colors, post-processing style, and fonts.

Have more questions? Get in touch and let’s talk.