3 Ways to Master Personalized Marketing

3 Ways to Master Personalized Marketing

Personalizing your marketing is a fantastic way to make more effective connections with prospects, leads and customers. It’s also an integral part of any modern marketing strategy, since research has proven time and time again that people are more likely to respond to personalized messages versus obvious mass emails.

Here’s why personalization works, plus three tips to make it work for you.

The Power of Personalized Marketing

Personalization is key for driving long-term engagement with current and prospective customers. It gives you an opportunity to provide email recipients with content and recommendations that you know will appeal to them, rather than throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. 

For example, if you know which products your audience has engaged with, then you can personalize content that speaks directly to the customer. 

Need more convincing? A whopping 90% of U.S. consumers find personalized marketing appealing, and are more likely to make a purchase with a personalized experience.  

3 Personalized Marketing Tips

You know the why, but what about the how? Use these tips to master personalized marketing and turn it into more sales. 

  • Look to your data – It’s hard to overstate just how crucial your data is for personalizing communications with your audience. Use both demographic and behavioral data in your efforts, and put out regular campaigns dedicated to keeping this information up to date. 
  • Bring the human element – Be conversational, friendly and empathetic in your messaging. While you’re at it, address all messages to the recipient’s actual name and sign off all emails from a real person with real contact information. 
  • Segment your audience – Different people have different needs and challenges based on where they are in the buyer’s journey. Keep these nuances in mind as you fine tune your marketing, using segmented lists to approach the right leads with the right content at the right time.   

Want to know more? Get in touch and let’s talk

What’s New in B2B Marketing

What’s New in B2B Marketing

Younger and more diverse buyers are coming to the forefront — and so are their expectations. And if you haven’t already, it’s time to adapt and make sure you’re accounting for this key shift in your target audience. 

Here are four B2B marketing trends to help get you started, all of which are geared toward this new group of buyers. 

1. Using a More B2C Approach

There’s long been a distinct difference between B2C and B2B marketing. But lately the lines are blurring, and buyers have many of the same expectations out of a B2B campaign as they do out of a B2C one. To adapt, you’ll need to take on a more B2C approach, including things like interactive experiences and the promotion of user-generated content. 

2. Identity-Based Ad Targeting

Moving forward, you’ll need to get creative with your use of analytics, especially as it applies to defining your core customers. Think beyond base-level demographics and use data to better understand who your customers are inside and outside their profession — you can use what you learn to better target your ads and content. 

3. Improved Martech Usage

Many B2B marketers have invested in marketing technology (martech) tools in recent years, but not everyone has put them to optimal use. As you look ahead, ensure that not only your budget but your entire tech stack is aligned with your martech approach, particularly when it comes to integration with data- and customer-driven applications. 

4. Wider Appeal

One way younger generations are changing the B2B marketing game is by bringing more people in on the decision-making process. That means you’ll need to be able to prove your worth to a wider range of individuals — and provide everyone in the process with a personalized pitch that appeals to their unique pain points. 

Need help adjusting your strategy? Let’s talk.

5 Tips for a Successful Landing Page

5 Tips for a Successful Landing Page

Creating landing pages is easy. Getting them right, though? That takes a bit more work. 

A great landing page can make all the difference in the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. It’s also essential for making a good impression and following through on the promises you made in your ad or social media post. 

Here are five smart and savvy landing page tips so you can be sure yours, well, lands:

1. Include a clear connection to your ad.

Whatever got someone to your landing page is what’s going to hold their interest once they get there. Stay focused and concise, and ensure your content gives a direct callback to its associated ad. 

2. Place your call to action at the top.

Assume visitors have a short attention span and provide them with need-to-know info upfront. For performance purposes, this should include the action that you want them to take, which should be clear, obvious, and above the fold. 

3. Create simple forms.

The simpler your forms, the more likely it is people will actually fill them out. You’ll have plenty of time to get more info after you’ve got a new lead, so aim for the basics now and fill in any blanks later. 

4. Make it responsive.

Landing pages need to be optimized for both desktop and mobile. Make sure your page looks great on both types of devices and that your CTA stands out just as much on a small screen as it does on a big one. 

5. Remove competing links.

A landing page has one goal — everything else is just superfluous. Remove any competing links (including unrelated internal links) and keep the entire page focused on achieving the action associated with your campaign. 

For more marketing best practices, get in touch, and let’s chat.

Make the Most of Your Downtime

Make the Most of Your Downtime

January and February might seem slow compared to the nonstop frenzy of the holiday season, but that doesn’t mean you should curtail your marketing efforts.

Instead, it’s the perfect time to set new goals, take stock of what’s been working, and indulge in a little more creativity.

Here are four tips for post-holiday marketing strategies and ideas:

1. Think Ahead

Whether you already have a marketing plan for the new year or you’re just getting started, now is a great time to consider your long-term objectives for 2023. Keep in mind things you’d like to do differently (and the same) as last year, then let those be your guide as you come up with strategies and ideas for the months ahead.

2. Pick Out Past Winners

If you’re stuck on what to do, some old favorites could lead the way. Dive into your data to see what’s been working with your audience, then use the same format with a timely topic. For example, if you had a ton of success with user-generated content during the holidays, keep it going with a new theme. This could be a great time to exercise a little more creativity, too.

3. Give Your SEO Some TLC

SEO often falls by the wayside during the holidays in favor of promotions and social media engagement. You can ramp it back up in the new year — put some effort into getting new content out there and update any old content that isn’t performing as well as you’d like it to.

4. Remarket and Retarget

Holiday marketing usually leads to a lot of interest in a company’s products or services, but it doesn’t all turn into sales. Now that things have calmed down, look into remarketing and retargeting to the customers that didn’t pull the trigger and see if you can keep the relationship going.

Need more guidance? Get in touch.



The Benefits of Commerce Content

The Benefits of Commerce Content

We’ve seen a huge push in demand for well-written commerce content, especially as people continue to shop online instead of in-store. And if you’re representing a brand with goods to sell, it might be a smart move to start writing some of your own.

Here’s what to know about commerce content, including why it’s good business for brands.

What Is Commerce Content?

Publishers have been sharing product recommendations for decades with their readers, but they haven’t always gotten a direct benefit from doing so. Enter commerce content, which allows brands and publishers to partner up and mutually benefit from sharing authentic recommendations with interested audiences.

This type of content works because it features products in a way that’s a lot more personable than your typical advertisement. And because publishers get a portion of the revenue for each sale made from the content, it’s a win-win for everyone.

How Commerce Content Benefits Brands

Getting more eyes on products is always a good thing. But commerce content takes it a step further by directly appealing to people who are already searching for what brands are selling.

It’s a great way to increase reach and brand awareness, with brands benefiting directly from partnerships with reputable publishers without the high cost of traditional ads.

Start Writing Successful Commerce Content

Commerce content isn’t the same as sponsored posts. Instead, it’s overtly product-based and specifically geared toward directing readers toward a purchase.

Most agencies are simply in charge of brokering brand/publisher partnerships for this type of content. However, if you’re tasked with writing the content too, make sure it has an editorial spin by focusing on the problem-solving features of the product instead of just the product in general. And don’t forget the call-to-action, which is crucial for getting those high-value clicks.

Want to know more? Let’s chat.